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Occupational Therapy Schools Offering Art Therapy Associate's Degrees

In 2024, we ranked 2 schools providing art therapy associate's degrees.

The best art therapy associate's degree program in the United States is offered by Southern Adventist University. That school has a good art therapy associate's degree program evaluated with four-star rating for curriculum and three stars for teaching.

Check the top schools granting art therapy associate's degrees below or narrow your search by state.

Art therapy associate's degree schools:

Southern Adventist University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
1. Southern Adventist University

Located in Collegedale, Tennessee

Housatonic Community College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
2. Housatonic Community College

Located in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Occupational Therapy schools offering other associate's degrees:

Rutgers University New Brunswick - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Rutgers University New Brunswick

Located in New Brunswick, 1 associate's program

Touro University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Touro University

Located in New York City, 1 associate's program

Loma Linda University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Loma Linda University

Located in Loma Linda, 1 associate's program

Thomas Jefferson University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Thomas Jefferson University

Located in Philadelphia, 1 associate's program

St Catherine University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
St Catherine University

Located in Saint Paul, 1 associate's program

Idaho State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Idaho State University

Located in Pocatello, 1 associate's program

South College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
South College

Located in Knoxville, 1 associate's program

University of Evansville - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Evansville

Located in Evansville, 1 associate's program

Baker College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Baker College

Located in Owosso, 1 associate's program

University of Indianapolis - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Indianapolis

Located in Indianapolis, 1 associate's program

Arkansas State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Arkansas State University

Located in Jonesboro, 1 associate's program

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University

Located in Baton Rouge, 1 associate's program

Radford University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Radford University

Located in Radford, 1 associate's program

Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Located in Carbondale, 1 associate's program

Keiser University Ft Lauderdale - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Keiser University Ft Lauderdale

Located in Fort Lauderdale, 1 associate's program

Stanbridge University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Stanbridge University

Located in Irvine, 1 associate's program

California Baptist University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
California Baptist University

Located in Riverside, 1 associate's program

University of Alaska Anchorage - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Alaska Anchorage

Located in Anchorage, 1 associate's program

Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health

Located in Omaha, 1 associate's program

Clarkson College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Clarkson College

Located in Omaha, 1 associate's program

Inter American University of Puerto Rico Ponce - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Inter American University of Puerto Rico Ponce

Located in Mercedita, 1 associate's program

New England Institute of Technology - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
New England Institute of Technology

Located in East Greenwich, 1 associate's program

Arkansas Tech University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Arkansas Tech University

Located in Russellville, 1 associate's program

Art therapy associate's degrees by state:

Schools by State1 Art Therapy Associate's Degree Schools in Connecticut1 Art Therapy Associate's Degree Schools in Tennessee

Other art therapy diplomas:

Certificates: 13 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 57 schools
Master's Degrees: 35 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 4 schools

Other occupational therapy associate's degrees:

General Therapy: 13 schools
Rehabilitation Science: 16 schools
Rehabilitation Counseling: 3 schools
Physical Therapy: 385 schools
Recreational Therapy: 11 schools

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