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Art Therapy Master's Degrees in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Art Therapy Master's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking review contains 2 Massachusetts schools granting art therapy master's degrees, and Springfield College is the best option.

Check both Massachusetts schools offering art therapy master's degrees and occupational therapy colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other occupational therapy major or diploma.

MA art therapy master's degree schools:

Springfield College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
1. Springfield College

Located in Springfield

Lesley University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
2. Lesley University

Located in Cambridge

Art therapy master's degrees in nearby states:

New York University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
New York University

Located in New York City, New York

Nazareth College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Nazareth College

Located in Rochester, New York

Long Island University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Long Island University

Located in Brookville, New York

Hofstra University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Hofstra University

Located in Hempstead, New York

Pratt Institute - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Pratt Institute

Located in Brooklyn, New York

School of Visual Arts - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
School of Visual Arts

Located in New York City, New York

Albertus Magnus College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Albertus Magnus College

Located in New Haven, Connecticut

College of Mount Saint Vincent - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
College of Mount Saint Vincent

Located in Bronx, New York

MA occupational therapy schools offering other master's degrees:

Boston University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Boston University

Located in Boston, 2 master's programs

Bay Path University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Bay Path University

Located in Longmeadow, 1 master's program

Tufts University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Tufts University

Located in Medford, 1 master's program

Berklee College of Music - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Berklee College of Music

Located in Boston, 1 master's program

MCPHS University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
MCPHS University

Located in Boston, 1 master's program

Salem State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Salem State University

Located in Salem, 1 master's program

Regis College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Regis College

Located in Weston, 1 master's program

Assumption University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Assumption University

Located in Worcester, 1 master's program

Lasell University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Lasell University

Located in Newton, 1 master's program

Bridgewater State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Bridgewater State University

Located in Bridgewater, 1 master's program

Worcester State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Worcester State University

Located in Worcester, 1 master's program

American International College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
American International College

Located in Springfield, 1 master's program

University of Massachusetts Boston - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Massachusetts Boston

Located in Boston, 1 master's program

Other occupational therapy master's degrees in MA:

General Therapy: 10 schools
Rehabilitation Science: 3 schools
Rehabilitation Counseling: 2 schools
Recreational Therapy: 1 school
Music Therapy: 1 school

Other art therapy diplomas in MA:

Bachelor's Degrees: 5 schools

Massachusetts occupational therapy schools by city:

Beverly: 1 school
Boston: 11 schools
Bridgewater: 1 school
Cambridge: 1 school
Danvers: 1 school
Gardner: 1 school
Longmeadow: 1 school
Lowell: 1 school
Medford: 1 school
Newton: 1 school
North Andover: 1 school
Paxton: 1 school
Pittsfield: 1 school
Quincy: 1 school
Salem: 1 school
Springfield: 4 schools
Weston: 1 school
Worcester: 2 schools

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