Occupational Therapy CollegesGeneral

Music Therapy Schools in the Northeast

In 2024, we have evaluated 18 schools offering music therapy majors in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Occupational-Therapy-Colleges.com ranks Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA), Temple University (Philadelphia, PA), and Nazareth College (Rochester, NY) the best three music therapy schools in the Northeast.

See the best 18 music therapy schools in the Northeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northeast.

Top 18 music therapy schools in the Northeast:

Drexel University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
1. Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA, 2 music therapy programs

Temple University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
2. Temple University

Philadelphia, PA, 3 music therapy programs

Nazareth College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
3. Nazareth College

Rochester, NY, 2 music therapy programs

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
4. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

Slippery Rock, PA, 2 music therapy programs

Duquesne University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
5. Duquesne University

Pittsburgh, PA, 1 music therapy program

Molloy College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
6. Molloy College

Rockville Centre, NY, 2 music therapy programs

Berklee College of Music - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
7. Berklee College of Music

Boston, MA, 2 music therapy programs

Elizabethtown College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
8. Elizabethtown College

Elizabethtown, PA, 1 music therapy program

State University of New York at New Paltz - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
9. State University of New York

New Paltz, NY, 1 music therapy program

Montclair State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
10. Montclair State University

Montclair, NJ, 2 music therapy programs

Marywood University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
11. Marywood University

Scranton, PA, 1 music therapy program

Immaculata University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
12. Immaculata University

Immaculata, PA, 2 music therapy programs

Seton Hill University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
13. Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA, 2 music therapy programs

SUNY at Fredonia - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
14. SUNY at Fredonia

Fredonia, NY, 2 music therapy programs

West Chester University of Pennsylvania - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
15. West Chester University of Pennsylvania

West Chester, PA, 1 music therapy program

Mercyhurst University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
16. Mercyhurst University

Erie, PA, 1 music therapy program

Pennsylvania Western University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
17. Pennsylvania Western University

California, PA, 1 music therapy program

Anna Maria College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
18. Anna Maria College

Paxton, MA, 1 music therapy program

Music therapy schools in the Northeast by state:

Schools by State2 Music Therapy Schools in Massachusetts1 Music Therapy Schools in New Jersey4 Music Therapy Schools in New York11 Music Therapy Schools in Pennsylvania

Music therapy schools in other regions:

Midwest: 34 schools
Northwest: 2 schools
South: 21 schools
Southeast: 15 schools
West: 7 schools

Popular occupational therapy school cities in the Northeast:

in Connecticut:
Fairfield: 1 school
Hamden: 1 school
Storrs: 1 school
West Hartford: 1 school
in Maine:
Bangor: 1 school
Biddeford: 1 school
Portland: 1 school
in Massachusetts:
Boston: 11 schools
Cambridge: 1 school
Gardner: 1 school
Longmeadow: 1 school
Lowell: 1 school
Medford: 1 school
Salem: 1 school
Springfield: 4 schools
Weston: 1 school
Worcester: 2 schools
in New Hampshire:
Durham: 1 school
Plymouth: 1 school
Rindge: 1 school
in New Jersey:
Caldwell: 1 school
Cranford: 1 school
Galloway: 1 school
Glassboro: 1 school
New Brunswick: 1 school
South Orange: 1 school
Union: 1 school
in New York:
Amherst: 1 school
Bronx: 3 schools
Brooklyn: 3 schools
Brookville: 1 school
Buffalo: 4 schools
Dobbs Ferry: 1 school
Hempstead: 1 school
Ithaca: 1 school
Jamaica: 1 school
Keuka Park: 1 school
Long Island City: 1 school
New York City: 7 schools
Old Westbury: 1 school
Orangeburg: 1 school
Potsdam: 1 school
Poughkeepsie: 1 school
Rochester: 1 school
Selden: 1 school
Stony Brook: 1 school
Syracuse: 3 schools
Troy: 1 school
Utica: 1 school
Valhalla: 1 school
in Pennsylvania:
Annville: 1 school
Aston: 1 school
Bethlehem: 1 school
Center Valley: 1 school
Chester: 1 school
Dallas: 1 school
East Stroudsburg: 1 school
Elizabethtown: 1 school
Elkins Park: 1 school
Erie: 3 schools
Glenside: 1 school
Greensburg: 1 school
Gwynedd Valley: 1 school
Loretto: 1 school
Mechanicsburg: 1 school
Philadelphia: 5 schools
Pittsburgh: 5 schools
Reading: 1 school
Scranton: 4 schools
Slippery Rock: 1 school
Summerdale: 1 school
in Rhode Island:
East Greenwich: 1 school
Kingston: 1 school
Warwick: 1 school
in Vermont:
Burlington: 1 school
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