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Physical Therapy Schools in the West

Our 2024 rankings contain 104 schools offering physical therapy majors in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Our team ranks University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA), University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT), and Loma Linda University the top three physical therapy schools in the West.

See the best 50 physical therapy colleges in the West below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the West.

Top 50 physical therapy schools in the West:

University of Southern California - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
1. University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

University of Utah - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
2. University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT, 1 physical therapy program

Loma Linda University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
3. Loma Linda University

Loma Linda, CA, 5 physical therapy programs

The University of Montana - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
4. The University of Montana

Missoula, MT, 2 physical therapy programs

Northern Arizona University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
5. Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, AZ, 1 physical therapy program

Idaho State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
6. Idaho State University

Pocatello, ID, 3 physical therapy programs

University of Washington Seattle - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
7. University of Washington Seattle

Seattle, WA, 5 physical therapy programs

California State University Long Beach - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
8. California State University Long Beach

Long Beach, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

Chapman University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
9. Chapman University

Orange, CA, 1 physical therapy program

San Diego State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
10. San Diego State University

San Diego, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

University of Puget Sound - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
11. University of Puget Sound

Tacoma, WA, 1 physical therapy program

University of the Pacific - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
12. University of the Pacific

Stockton, CA, 1 physical therapy program

University of California San Francisco - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
13. University of California San Francisco

San Francisco, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

Samuel Merritt University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
14. Samuel Merritt University

Oakland, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Regis University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
15. Regis University

Denver, CO, 2 physical therapy programs

Azusa Pacific University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
16. Azusa Pacific University

Azusa, CA, 3 physical therapy programs

San Francisco State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
17. San Francisco State University

San Francisco, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

Pacific University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
18. Pacific University

Forest Grove, OR, 1 physical therapy program

California State University Fresno - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
19. California State University Fresno

Fresno, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

California State University Sacramento - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
20. California State University Sacramento

Sacramento, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Mount Saint Mary's University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
21. Mount Saint Mary's University

Los Angeles, CA, 1 physical therapy program

California State University Northridge - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
22. California State University Northridge

Northridge, CA, 1 physical therapy program

University of New Mexico - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
23. University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM, 1 physical therapy program

University of Nevada Las Vegas - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
24. University of Nevada Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV, 3 physical therapy programs

Western University of Health Sciences - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
25. Western University of Health Sciences

Pomona, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Midwestern University Glendale - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
26. Midwestern University Glendale

Glendale, AZ, 1 physical therapy program

University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
27. University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical

Denver, CO, 1 physical therapy program

Eastern Washington University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
28. Eastern Washington University

Cheney, WA, 1 physical therapy program

Stanbridge University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
29. Stanbridge University

Irvine, CA, 1 physical therapy program

California Baptist University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
30. California Baptist University

Riverside, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Western Washington University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
31. Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA, 1 physical therapy program

Touro University Nevada - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
32. Touro University Nevada

Henderson, NV, 1 physical therapy program

George Fox University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
33. George Fox University

Newberg, OR, 1 physical therapy program

University of Alaska Anchorage - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
34. University of Alaska Anchorage

Anchorage, AK, 1 physical therapy program

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
35. Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions

Provo, UT, 2 physical therapy programs

Hawaii Pacific University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
36. Hawaii Pacific University

Honolulu, HI, 1 physical therapy program

West Coast University Center For Graduate Studies - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
37. West Coast University Center for Graduate Studies

Los Angeles, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Saint Mary's College of California - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
38. Saint Mary's College of California

Moraga, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Seattle Pacific University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
39. Seattle Pacific University

Seattle, WA, 1 physical therapy program

Colorado Christian University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
40. Colorado Christian University

Lakewood, CO, 1 physical therapy program

Casa Loma College Los Angeles - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
41. Casa Loma College Los Angeles

Sherman Oaks, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Snow College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
42. Snow College

Ephraim, UT, 2 physical therapy programs

Brigham Young University Idaho - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
43. Brigham Young University Idaho

Rexburg, ID, 1 physical therapy program

Pima Medical Institute Tucson - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
44. Pima Medical Institute Tucson

Tucson, AZ, 2 physical therapy programs

Green River College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
45. Green River College

Auburn, WA, 1 physical therapy program

La Sierra University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
46. La Sierra University

Riverside, CA, 2 physical therapy programs

Northwest Nazarene University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
47. Northwest Nazarene University

Nampa, ID, 1 physical therapy program

Walla Walla University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
48. Walla Walla University

College Place, WA, 1 physical therapy program

CBD College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
49. CBD College

Los Angeles, CA, 1 physical therapy program

Utah Tech University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
50. Utah Tech University

Saint George, UT, 1 physical therapy program

Physical therapy schools in the West by state:

Schools by State8 Physical Therapy Schools in Arizona42 Physical Therapy Schools in California8 Physical Therapy Schools in Colorado6 Physical Therapy Schools in Idaho3 Physical Therapy Schools in Montana5 Physical Therapy Schools in Nevada5 Physical Therapy Schools in New Mexico4 Physical Therapy Schools in Oregon6 Physical Therapy Schools in Utah12 Physical Therapy Schools in Washington2 Physical Therapy Schools in Wyoming

Physical therapy schools in other regions:

Midwest: 181 schools
Northeast: 126 schools
South: 278 schools
Southeast: 192 schools

Popular occupational therapy school cities in the West:

in Arizona:
Flagstaff: 1 school
Glendale: 1 school
Mesa: 1 school
Phoenix: 3 schools
Tempe: 1 school
Tucson: 2 schools
in California:
Anaheim: 1 school
Azusa: 1 school
Carson: 1 school
Cerritos: 1 school
Clovis: 2 schools
Fremont: 1 school
Fresno: 2 schools
Garden Grove: 1 school
Huntington Park: 1 school
Irvine: 1 school
Loma Linda: 1 school
Long Beach: 1 school
Los Angeles: 6 schools
North Hollywood: 2 schools
Northridge: 1 school
Norwalk: 1 school
Oakland: 1 school
Orange: 1 school
Pleasant Hill: 1 school
Pomona: 1 school
Riverside: 3 schools
Sacramento: 2 schools
San Bernardino: 1 school
San Diego: 3 schools
San Francisco: 2 schools
San Jose: 1 school
San Marcos: 1 school
San Mateo: 1 school
San Rafael: 1 school
Sherman Oaks: 1 school
Stockton: 1 school
Ukiah: 1 school
Vallejo: 1 school
Visalia: 1 school
in Colorado:
Denver: 3 schools
Fort Collins: 1 school
Parker: 1 school
Pueblo: 1 school
in Hawaii:
Honolulu: 2 schools
in Idaho:
Coeur DAlene: 1 school
Meridian: 1 school
Pocatello: 1 school
Rexburg: 1 school
in Montana:
Billings: 2 schools
Great Falls: 1 school
Missoula: 1 school
in Nevada:
Henderson: 1 school
Las Vegas: 4 schools
in New Mexico:
Albuquerque: 3 schools
Farmington: 1 school
Las Cruces: 1 school
Santa Fe: 1 school
in Oregon:
Eugene: 2 schools
Forest Grove: 1 school
Gresham: 1 school
Monmouth: 1 school
Newberg: 1 school
in Utah:
Ephraim: 1 school
Logan: 1 school
Provo: 3 schools
Saint George: 1 school
Salt Lake City: 2 schools
in Washington:
Auburn: 1 school
Bellingham: 2 schools
Cheney: 1 school
Seattle: 4 schools
Spokane: 1 school
Tacoma: 1 school
in Wyoming:
Cheyenne: 1 school
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