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Rehabilitation Science Bachelor's Degrees in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Rehabilitation Science Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 3 Wisconsin schools awarding rehabilitation science bachelor's degrees, and Concordia University Wisconsin is the best option.

Check other Wisconsin schools providing rehabilitation science bachelor's degrees and occupational therapy colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other occupational therapy major or diploma.

WI rehabilitation science bachelor's degree schools:

Concordia University Wisconsin - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - Occupational Therapy School Ranking

Rehabilitation science bachelor's degrees in nearby states:

University of Illinois Chicago - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Illinois Chicago

Located in Chicago, Illinois

Saginaw Valley State University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Saginaw Valley State University

Located in Bay City, Michigan

Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Located in Carbondale, Illinois

WI occupational therapy schools offering other bachelor's degrees:

University of Wisconsin Madison - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Madison

Located in Madison, 2 bachelor's programs

University of Wisconsin La Crosse - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Located in La Crosse, 1 bachelor's program

Carroll University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Carroll University

Located in Waukesha, 1 bachelor's program

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

Located in Milwaukee, 1 bachelor's program

University of Wisconsin Stout - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
University of Wisconsin Stout

Located in Menomonie, 1 bachelor's program

Mount Mary University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Mount Mary University

Located in Milwaukee, 2 bachelor's programs

Alverno College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Alverno College

Located in Milwaukee, 2 bachelor's programs

Edgewood College - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Edgewood College

Located in Madison, 1 bachelor's program

Maranatha Baptist University - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Maranatha Baptist University

Located in Watertown, 1 bachelor's program

Marian University Fond Du Lac - Occupational Therapy School Ranking
Marian University Fond Du Lac

Located in Fond Du Lac, 1 bachelor's program

Other occupational therapy bachelor's degrees in WI:

General Therapy: 3 schools
Rehabilitation Counseling: 2 schools
Physical Therapy: 1 school
Recreational Therapy: 1 school
Art Therapy: 4 schools
Music Therapy: 3 schools

Other rehabilitation science diplomas in WI:

Certificates: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 2 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Wisconsin occupational therapy schools by city:

Brookfield: 1 school
Eau Claire: 2 schools
Fennimore: 1 school
Fond Du Lac: 1 school
Green Bay: 3 schools
Janesville: 1 school
Kenosha: 1 school
La Crosse: 2 schools
Madison: 3 schools
Menomonie: 1 school
Mequon: 1 school
Milwaukee: 5 schools
Oshkosh: 1 school
Watertown: 1 school
Waukesha: 1 school

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Rehabilitation Science Schools
Occupational Therapy Bachelor's Degrees
Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Schools
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